By Tecpatl Kuauhtzin

One of my classmates named Jade recently announced that she was informed she had family in Guam. Apparently, her parents let her know that she had relatives living here right before she boarded her plane! She told my cohort that her uncle wanted us all to go over for a Barbecue on his Lancho (farm).

Today was the day of the BBQ, and wow that food was just as amazing as his home. We took a walk around his garden and came across trees with hundreds, if not thousands, of butterflies. We then walked through an awesome natural tunnel leading to the coast and the view was incredible. I turned around and saw a really cool beach tree-house they are constructing, and snapped a picture.

I remember feeling lucky to be here. I thought about my family and my community that helped me get here and is supporting me from afar while I watched the waves crash. They mean everything to me. After about half an hour of sitting and watching the waves, my cohort was called in by Jade’s uncle. He said it was time for dinner! We had an amazing feast with great company.

Tecpatl studied abroad in Guam in Summer 2019.