Summer Resources Fair
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Thursday, February 6, 2020
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Bruin Reception Room, Ackerman Union
The Summer Resources Fair is your one-stop shop to learn all about the programs, resources, and opportunities that are available to students during the summer. Come meet with resource units and start planning your summer!
The following campus departments will be represented at the fair:
- AAP Counseling
- Army ROTC Program
- Center for Community Learning
- College Academic Counseling
- Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Housing Services
- International Education Office – Study Abroad
- Online Teaching and Learning Initiative
- Recreation
- RISE, Outreach Peer Network, and STAND
- Scholarship Resource Center
- Summer Institutes
- Summer Sessions
- Transportation and Parking
- UCLA Career Center
- UCLA Library (the Lux Lab)
- Undergraduate Research Center – Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
- Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences
- Undergraduate Writing Center
- and more!