On this page, military-connected students can learn about using their Veteran Benefits toward study abroad.

Can I use my state and federal military-connected benefits toward a study abroad program?

Program Cal Vet Fee waiver Federal Benefits
UCLA Travel Study  Yes Yes
UCLA Global Internship Program Yes Yes

Federal benefits include Post 9/11 GI Bill Ch 33, Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E )Ch 31, Dependents Education Assistance (DEA) Ch 35, Montgomery GI Bill Ch 31, and Reserve Montgomery GI Bill Ch1606

State benefits include CalVet Fee Tuition Waiver

I’m participating on a UCLA Travel Study or Global Internship program. What expenses does my Cal Vet Waiver cover?

The CalVet Fee Tuition Waiver ONLY waives the per-unit course fee, which is currently $279 per unit. The student is responsible for all other fees.

I’m participating in the UCLA Travel Study or Global Internship program. What expenses do my VA benefits cover?

Federal Veteran Education and Employment benefits cover some, but not all of UCLA Global Internship Program and UCLA Travel Study costs. Please see below for more information regarding your benefits coverage:

  • Ch 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill:
    Ch 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill covers the course fee/tuition, IEI fee, and insurance fee. The student is responsible for all other fees.
  • Ch 31 Veteran Readiness & Employment:
    Ch 31 Veteran Readiness & Employment covers the course fee/tuition and IEI fee. The student is responsible for all other fees.
  • Ch 35 DEA, Ch 30 Montgomery GI Bill, and Ch 1606 Reserve Montgomery GI Bill:
    Ch 35, Ch 30, and Ch 1606 do not cover any fees for the UCLA UCLA Travel Study or Global Internship programs. The benefit only provide a stipend based on the enrollment of units.

At this time, federal benefits (Ch 30, 31, 33, 35, 1606) cannot be used for UCEAP programs.  

I’m participating on a UCEAP program. What expenses does the CalVet Waiver cover?

For UCEAP, the CalVet Fee Tuition Waiver can waive the following expenses:

  • ILP Tuition and Student Services Fee (Intensive Language Program)
  • Pre-ILP Tuition and Student Services Fee
  • Summer Tuition and Student Services Fee
  • UC Tuition
  • UC Student Services Fee
  • UCEAP Participation Fee

All other expenses, like airfare, housing, and amenities, are not fees waived by the CalVet Fee Tuition Waiver.

For more information about each program’s specific fees, UCEAP recommends the student visit the UCEAP contacts page and email the Finance Accountant for the country they are considering.

Students may consider applying to scholarships to cover any remaining expenses. Visit our Scholarships Webpage for more information.

At this time, federal benefits (Ch 30, 31, 33, 35, 1606) cannot be used for UCEAP programs. 

Can I use my CalVet Waiver for more than one study abroad program?

Yes!  A student can use the Cal Vet Fee Tuition Waiver for multiple study abroad programs. Check with IEO for questions about enrolling in multiple programs.

UCLA Global Internship Programs and UCLA Travel Study Programs:


  • The Veteran Resource Center is NOT involved in processing the CalVet Fee Tuition Waiver for UCEAP.  After receiving a program nomination to UCEAP, students must send their CalVet Waiver award letter to studentfinance@eap.ucop.edu. UCEAP Finance will then apply the waiver to applicable expenses.

What steps do I need to take to apply my CalVet Waiver towards study abroad?

Program Required Steps
UCLA Travel Study & UCLA Global Internship Program 1. Complete the Study Abroad Veteran Benefits Information Sheet and Agreement 

2. Submit agreement form to the Veteran Resource Center: https://sa.ucla.edu/forms/p/SummerUCLA

3. Submit agreement to your IEO Application Portal

UCEAP The Veteran Resource Center is NOT involved in processing the CalVet Fee Tuition Waiver for UCEAP.  After receiving a program nomination to UCEAP, students must send their CalVet Waiver award letter to studentfinance@eap.ucop.edu. UCEAP Finance will then apply the waiver to applicable.

Do I need to notify the Financial Aid Office if I plan to use my Veteran Benefits towards study abroad?

It is critical that you inform the UCLA Financial Aid Office as early as possible about your intention to use the Cal Vet Fee Waiver, Ch 31 Veteran Readiness & Employment, or Ch 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill so they can properly adjust your financial aid offer.

Who are the contacts if I have questions about my Cal Vet Fee Waiver or federal VA education benefit?

Students may also contact the UCLA Veteran Resource Center School Certifying Official (vabenefit@saonet.ucla.edu) for more information. Be sure to include your UID in all correspondence.

Click here to explore and review the difference between our programs – UCEAP, UCLA Travel Study, and Global Internship Program.